welcome letter
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August 2022
Dear Students and Parents,
In just a few days, you will be walking into Pine Road School as a third grader! I am so excited about this upcoming year, and hope that you are too. On the first day of school, I’ll be waiting for you at our classroom door for a busy, fun, and exciting day.
As I can only imagine, many of you are probably preparing for school at this point. When going back-to-school shopping, please remember your third grade supply list. You can access the supply list by clicking on the 3rd Grade Supply List on the district website.
We are going to have an excellent school year! You can look forward to learning many new and exciting things. Enjoy the rest of your summer! I will see you all on Tuesday, September 6th!
I am looking forward to meeting you very soon!
Your third grade teacher, Ms. Crouthamel Subscribe to RSS Feed - welcome letter