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*Home Projects*

Room 45 – Kindergarten – Mrs. Daries


  • Creating a "Sharing Can": Do not send in until the first assignment has been given. TBA ~ Create and keep at home until further notice.
  • This is a sample


Please find a can with a cover for your child's "Sharing Can".  A coffee can, iced tea mix can, Tupperware or any similar type of can works great.  Clean it out and let it dry.  You may work with your child to decorate it any way they wish.  Please make sure your child's name is clearly labeled on it.  Some suggestions for decorating are covering it with some kind of paper, using stickers, using foam pieces etc...  The can will be used weekly throughout the year for various "Show and Tell" type activities with specific instructions like ones that correspond with the letter sounds we are working on that week.  Whatever your child brings in, it must fit in the can.  Weekly instructions will follow.  Their "Sharing Can" may stay at home until the first assignment is given, no need to send it in.


  • T-Shirt Project: Due Date = TBA


Have your child decorate the t-shirt paper cut-out, (it will be given to you at Orientation) to his/her liking.  You can use family pictures, drawings, keepsakes, trim, etc. You can be as creative as you like!  In the past, many children have chosen photos of family members, pets, and favorite places as things to include on the t-shirt.   Another example would be stickers of favorite characters.  This t-shirt will hang in your child’s cubby at school for the entire school year so please only decorate ONE side of the shirt. You may attach an enlarged picture or drawing of your child's face to the neckline.  Please send in this project as soon as your child has completed it so that we can display it in their cubby. 


Thanks for your cooperation!

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