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Snack and Lunch Kindergarten

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*Snack and Lunch*

Snack: The students will be having a snack in our Kindergarten Class every day.  Please pack an adequate healthy snack(s) and a drink/water bottle every day, an ice pack in their bag, and any utensils as well (Example: a spoon for a cup of yogurt). 

Thanks for your cooperation!

*You should pack a water bottle for them every day!! They do take water breaks throughout the day. 


*If you pack lunch for your child, please make sure their lunchbox or bag is clearly labeled with their first and last name and Room 45. Be sure to pack a drink, napkin, and utensils daily.

*If your child is ordering lunch, you may want to review the choices from the link on the Pine Road homepage. Please also review their lunch # with them as they will be punching it into the keypad themselves. Their number will be on their tag that they will be wearing every day for the first month of school.

  Thanks for your cooperation!

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