Math activities to do at home
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Math activities at home can be fun! Below are some easy ways to practice math skills. Enjoy!
Top it!
Materials: Deck of cards
Directions: Shuffle the deck and split evenly among 2 players. Each player flips over the top card. The higher card wins.
Variations: *smaller card wins
*add the 2 cards together. First to get the correct answer wins
*subtract the 2 cards. First to get the correct answer wins
*grades 3-5 - multiply the 2 cards together, first to get the correct answer wins
Materials: dice, stick-like objects (toothpicks, q-tips, pencils, etc)
Directions: roll one die, build (or draw) an object with the same number of sides as on the die
Variations: *after building the shape, identify the number of vertices, angles, sides, edges, faces
*ask an adult to draw several shapes on paper (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc). Roll the die,
color in a shape with the same number of sides.
*after building the shape, look for things in your home with the same shape
* if you have playdough, build 3D shapes using the playdough to connect the vertices
Place Value
Materials: Dice or deck of cards, straight objects to use as a 10 rod (q-tips, toothpicks, etc), small objects to use for a ones cube (m&ms, beans, etc)
Directions: roll both dice, make and identify a 2-digit number
Variations: *build a 2-digit number using rods and cubes. Find 2 ways to build the same number.
*roll 2 dice, write down the numbers, and roll again. Build the largest 4-digit number you can.
Build the smallest 4-digit number you can.
* with a partner, each of you roll 2 dice. Build a 2-digit number. The larger number wins. Also
play where the smaller number wins.
* Games above can also be played with a deck of cards. Use your imagination!!